Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Things Friday

Since the Olympics are going on this week I thought it would only be appropriate to make this weeks FTF Olympic themed!  I've definitely been Olympic inspired these days wearing lots of red, white and blue.  Anyhow, here is today's FTF, play along and leave a comment below linking your answers to this weeks FTF:

1.  I sometimes (always/never/sometimes) watch the opening ceremonyThis year I was super busy so I wasn't able to watch it, I feel like I've missed out on some big thing!

2.  My favorite Olympic sport to watch is gymnastics!  It's so amazing what they can achieve and all the gymnasts are so young!

3.  If I were an Olympic athlete I would be a swimmer because I love the water! Too bad I'm too short and uncoordinated for that!!

4.  My least favorite sport to watch is mens volleyball.  Something about it that I don't like!

5.  Name the first Olympic athlete that pops into your head Ryan Lochte! Only because I came across this parody earlier this week.

My favorite thing from around the web this week is this Glamour article: 10 Things Girls ALWAYS Do in Movies and NEVER Do in Real Life and MORE Things Girls Always Do in Movies And Never Do in Real Life--As Pointed Out By You Guys!!  They are all so true, my favorite is "Legs and underarms are perfectly smooth" this is beyond true, HOW do they have time to be perfectly smooth ALL the time!??! IMPOSSIBLE!!

Have a great weekend everyone!! 


1 comment:

  1. Hahah omg the glamour article is so funny!! I always wondered if there are actually people who don't say "hello" and "goodbye" when they talk on the phone, it would seem super rude if I actually did that!

    I feel like I missed out on the opening ceremony too! Haha men's volleyball seems so silly for some reason. I always thought men's water polo looked silly too with them wearing the caps with the strings tied in nice little bows under their chins!
