Friday, June 29, 2012

Five Things Friday

It's summertime, the time of year when it's nicest to spend some time in your yard! So this week's blanks are all about yards!

1. A decoration I like to put outside my house is something seasonal on the front door, like a wreath, a hanging basket of flowers, or holiday decorations.

2. I spend more time in my (frontyard/backyard) backyard, since there is nothing in our frontyard to speak of!

3. Some animals I see in my yard are neighbors' cats, deer, rats, raccoons, and most recently, a possum. My parents' yard has also seen visitors like mallards, a heron, wild turkeys with babies, a giant Pacific salamander, and a bald eagle!

4. Something I would love to have in my yard is a fire pit. Or also a mature fruit tree - the house I rented before had that giant cherry was like having a U-pick without having to pay!

5. My favorite thing about the yard I grew up in is how big it was and how it was like a natural forest. We were so lucky to live in a part of town that was relatively undeveloped while still being in city.

**Favorite thing from around the web this week: I love the mail holders from this shop in Etsy. How cool would it be to have one by my door!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Those mail holders are so cute!! I especially love the one that has a jar for holding flowers! I would be so scared to see a raccoon or a possum in my yard!

  2. Camping sounds so fun!!!! I think we are gonna plan one after Johnny's parents back to HK. You and John should come! lol
